10 tips to crush the Tweet100 challenge

My #tweet100 challenge is coming to an end. And I want to give back value to this beautiful community. For the next 10 days, I will share cherry-picked lessons learned during this journey. Follow along for the final rush, and spread the voice!

No wisdom, please

If you tweet wisdom, I guess you have a long, long beard.

The first lesson I would share as a gift to the Tweet100 community is something I would’ve known earlier.

Avoid the rookie mistake of tweeting wisdom πŸ‘‡

Punch line tweets, generic advice, etc., only work for large accounts.

I made the same error because they are easier to write, but people want to know who’s behind the screen.

Kyleigh has a great theory, and she argues it very well inside.

Looking at my own Twitter journey, I also shifted my mindset at some point. And results speak for themselves.

So I totally agree that small accounts should avoid giving advice.

Long story short, talk about your experience!

Of course, it’s not all about building in public.

Create connections sharing your story, like Christine. She’s a master when it comes to being vulnerable.

She also makes me laugh a lot with her stories, and I’m sure who I will ping if I ever need a copywriter.


See what I did here?

I talk about my experience, sharing a lesson that I wouldn’t have learned without failing several times.

So to wrap up a bit: in case you’re not Gandalf πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ, or have a big account with many followers, my advice is to stop giving advice.


Find a tribe!

Another Tweet100 lesson I would share with my old self is to stop thinking about tweets and start looking for friends.

Am I telling you not to go for tweets in a tweets challenge?

Anyone can write a good tweet.

But if it goes *crickets* right after publishing, it’s easy to feel frustrated for tweeting into the void.

How many times did it happen?

Time to make friends!

Kevon pointed the way. πŸ‘‡

And he knows a thing or two about making friends online.

Look in communities; find your tribe.

Search for people like you, show up, genuinely support them.

Tweet100 is a great place to start, as it’s easy to step into other people’s tweets and timelines.

Take your time.

Meeting people on socials is more accessible than in real life, but interactions follow the same rules.

I also took these steps, even if not on purpose.

This is how I connected with Christine, Celine, Melvin, Philippe, to name a few.

They are always there to support me, no matter what.

They changed my Twitter journey, and I’m so grateful for this. πŸ™

I speak from my own experience.

The focus shouldn’t be on tweets when starting. Friends will make you enjoy the journey and amplify your tweets.

πŸ‘‰ Growing on Twitter is all about making friends.

From Consumer to Creator

Back in October, I was a lurker.

Fast forward 3 months, and I wrote +1500 tweets.

Here is where the #tweet100 challenge helped me…

Shifting mindset is hard.

Creating content is harder.

But I saw an opportunity when I stumbled into Tweet100.

Did you hear about the 1% rule?

β€’ 1 person create content
β€’ 9 people contribute
β€’ 90 people consume

Louie introduced me to this concept later last year.

Tweet100 is a great way to get out of the comfort zone:

β€’ build a habit
β€’ stop overthinking
β€’ publish content regularly

It’s an opportunity to shift from consumer πŸ‘‰ creator.

Tweet100 requires to tweet at least once a day, less than 280 characters.

The entry barrier is very low.

That’s where I stepped in.

Instead of just joining the challenge, I tailored it to my needs.

Improving my tweets, step after step, iteration after iteration. Sharpening my thoughts.

After all, we learn by doing.

I’m glad to see I’m not a lurker anymore when I look back at my journey.

I am a contributor.

I am a creator.

Show your personality

You know what β€” this is a bite-sized Sunday lesson.

People want to cool down during the weekend. So I let my personality comes out by sharing a pizza or photos of my activities.

I show up to don’t stop the streak, and it works even for the #tweet100 πŸ™‚

ReTweet100 for the community

It all started as an experiment.

Some people even connected with me for that reason.

I didn’t say it out loud, but during my first #tweet100 weeks, I created a tool πŸ’‘

Back in the days, I had no reach and only 70 followers, most of which were inactive.

Tweeting in this condition is extremely frustrating.

So I stole an idea from the #buildinpublic community.

2 days later, ReTweet100 was born!

Some people equate bots as bad. But @BotTweet100 is a good boy!

It increases the signal and might get your tweets noticed by someone else out there.

As a starter myself, I know the problem of other people in the same situation.

Even just a like or a retweet could improve the journey.

ReTweet100 helps people get more exposure doing Jay’s challenge.

The lesson here is: solve your problems to solve other people’s problems.

I solved mine.

And people like to connect with other like-minded #tweet100 tweeters!


It takes time to write good tweets.

But overthinking it again might burn your candle.

Here is what keeping the streak for #tweet100 taught me:

If you try to come up with valuable tweets, you probably know the feeling of:

β€’ staring at the monitor for hours

β€’ panicking watching time flies away

β€’ thinking you are a failure

Welcome, you are a perfectionist like me.

Writing takes time. But writing perfectly takes 3x that time.

And rushing against the clock is a tremendous obstacle to overcome.

So you end up exhausted, crying on the floor, drained of energy. Hello! πŸ‘‹

Yeah, you made it once again; you kept the streak.

But at which cost?

If there’s one thing I know, burnout is a serious thing.

It’s ok to stop.

It’s ok to step back a bit.

Falling off the wagon is not the end of the world.

Most people say it’s enough to make time for it.

But on certain days it doesn’t matter how hard you try, it just won’t work.

So instead of beating up, I left some notes as a reminder πŸ‘‡

Don’t mind other people’s opinions.

Lower the expectations.

“Quality has to be caused, not controlled.”

I preach where I fail.

It took me 2 hours and a lot of energy to write this thread.

Care about your mental health first. Stop overthinking.

New tip out tomorrow. Keep going back to read them!